What is a royal sofa and what are its features? (2)

Double mattress of royal sofas

What is a royal sofa and what are its features? (2)

What is a royal sofa and what are its features? (2)

Royal sofa mattresses are usually made in double. This will increase their useful life over time. The one-piece fabric of the sofa makes it easy to clean. The ability to easily wash and clean the work area around the sofa is also an advantage due to the fact that the mattress is one piece.

Appearance features of the royal sofa

One of the appearance features of the royal sofa is its construction patterns. These sofas are generally produced and manufactured by nine or seven people. The nine-seater beds consist of a three-seater sofa, four sofas and two host chairs. Another type of construction mold is a three-seater sofa, two-seater sofa, two sofas and two host chairs. Therefore, seven-seater sofas are produced in the form of three-seater sofa, two-seater sofa and two sofas. Depending on the customer’s needs, it can be added to the guest chairs or sofas at the time of ordering.
What is a royal sofa and what are its features? (2)

Wood of bases and handles of royal sofas

In order to make royal furniture more elegant, more special materials are usually used during the construction of this type of furniture. The use of white wood, walnut, beech in the handle and base to make this product more beautiful helps to mention. Undoubtedly, the use of such woods and inlay work on them will increase the price of the final product. Of course, the use of quality wood is another reason for the high quality of such furniture.
What is a royal sofa and what are its features? (2)

Royal sofa crown

When buying a royal sofa, it can be easily distinguished from a comfortable sofa. Most of the royal furniture products are made with crowns. In the middle of the ceremonial sofas, a crown with different sizes and eye-catching designs has been used. Special colors and patterns on the crown of the sofa make this product look very good at first glance.

Stylish and special design of the royal sofa

The royal sofa is generally used for reception room. Now, if your living room has enough space, you can easily use the royal sofas for decoration. This sofa has a more strength and beautiful effect. The main difference between this type of sofa is in the appearance and the type of material made in its main composition. In the manufacture of comfortable sofas, fabric is often used, while in royal sofas, compared to this type of sofa, it has used more fibers.
What should be considered when buying a royal sofa?
What is a royal sofa and what are its features? (2)

When buying a royal sofa, consider the following:

Do not squeak while sitting

Do not loosen its bases

No roughness on the surface of the sofa

Check the crown of the sofa for damage

Bases and handles should not be broken

The flowers on the crown and the handle are in harmony

Large inlaid flowers take less time and are therefore cheaper

The flowers on the crown are properly symmetrical

The foam used should be cold and return to its original state as soon as it is pressed

The fabric used is velvet and durable

Do not stretch the fabric and do not lint and have a guarantee

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