Lykke and Lagom: embracing Scandinavian style at home

Lykke and Lagom: embracing 

Lykke and Lagom: embracing Scandinavian style at home

Lykke and Lagom: embracing Scandinavian style at home - websait astiazh

Scandinavian style has long been a source of inspiration when it comes to interiors. Although their natural colour palettes, cosy textures and use of natural light are central to creating a gorgeous home, the Scandinavian style is based on much more than looks alone. The way in which Scandinavians view and live their lifestyles has a major impact on how their homes come together, in terms of both interior style and functionality. With such an unsettled and somewhat crazy year, there’s never been a better time to inject some Scandinavian inspiration into your life!

Lykke (pronounced ‘loo-kah’) is the Danish word for happiness, and we couldn’t think of a more appropriate country to learn from – after all, Denmark tends to top the world rankings when it comes to the happiest nations in the world. Leading a lykke lifestyle involves embracing happiness in many different pillars of life – from health and freedom to togetherness, kindness and more. By taking time to think about how you can make different aspects of your life happier, you’ll end up living a much more fulfilling lifestyle, which not only improves your health and wellbeing, but also influences those around you.

Bringing lykke into the home can be as simple as lighting candles around the dinner table to create a more intimate environment, to bringing plants into the home for their health benefits and invigorating colours, or creating a cosy living room in which to sit back and relax in with friends. It’s important to create spaces that allow comfort, relaxation and engagement – helping you get to know yourself and the people you care about.

Lykke and Lagom: embracing Scandinavian style at home - websait astiazh

Lykke and Lagom: embracing Scandinavian style at home - websait astiazh Lykke and Lagom: embracing Scandinavian style at home - websait astiazh

Lagom (pronounced lag-um) is one of our favourite Scandi phrases, and has recently become a key influence in Scandi-inspired designs. Directly translated, lagom means “moderate”, or “just right” in Swedish, and is all about leading a balanced life, slowing down your everyday life, allowing you to enjoy the simple pleasures and be in the moment.

We’ve seen the Lagom lifestyle emerge in interior design, with simplicity taking centre stage. By keeping the space relatively pared back, it allows the key features to stand out, without being overwhelmed with accessories and colours. To create the ultimate Lagom escape, use natural lighting to your advantage, and keep things simple. Of course, in order to truly enjoy the moment, and the slower pace of life, you’ll need a super comfy sofa to sit back and relax on, and a footstool to put your feet up!

Lykke and Lagom: embracing Scandinavian style at home - websait astiazh

Lykke and Lagom: embracing Scandinavian style at home - websait astiazh Lykke and Lagom: embracing Scandinavian style at home - websait astiazh

sorce : sofa

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