Find a Cohesive Style When You Have Competing Tastes

Find a Cohesive Style

Find a Cohesive Style When You Have Competing Tastes

Find a Cohesive Style When You Have Competing Tastes - websait astiazh

Whether you’re in a committed relationship, living with friends, or residing with strangers, outfitting your home is an excellent exercise in compromise.

There’s a delicate balance between giving a little and standing your ground to weave multiple styles into a unified look. Here are 8 tips for blending differing styles.

Start with the bedroom

If you’re sharing with a partner, make sure it’s a sanctuary for you both. Designate specific shelves or surfaces for your individual tchotchkes, favorite books, beauty products or personal devices so that each person has a space they can monopolize. Unify the look using furniture that’s the same color, material, or from the same design movement.

If you’ve got a room that’s all yours, use it to express your personal style to its fullest. Spend a little extra and make it 100% your own.

Give where it counts

Find a Cohesive Style When You Have Competing Tastes - websait astiazh

What excites your roommate? If they’re obsessed with watching movies or listening to vinyl, let them pick your console. If they love to cook, have them outfit your kitchen. By allowing them to focus on the area they’re most passionate about, not only do you see extra-generous, but you can channel your energy elsewhere without distraction.

Find common ground in shared spaces

Everyone has to love their living room. Focus on functionality when it comes to common areas and pick pieces that suit the size of your space above all else.  If you can agree on a brand (i.e. Restoration Hardware, Crate & Barrel, West Elm, etc.) the selection process gets easier. If you can’t, select a sofa in a neutral gray or beige to build around.

Mix and match

Intermingle elements that define you as a collective group. In common areas, print and frame photos together, or mementos from memorable events you’ve shared. This not only brings a unique personality to your space, but makes everyone’s contribution more visibile.

Embrace the word “eclectic” and search out ways to merge decorating styles by mixing textures such as soft throw pillows, blankets, and brick and incorporate natural elements like potted plants.

Pull it together with paint

Limiting your color palette will help create a cohesive feel that flows from room to room. Select complementary colors or decide on a single neutral shade to make your overall look harmonious. At a loss for ideas? Pull colors from your existing artwork or use a paint-matching app.

Sell what you don’t need

Merging several homes into one often means you have more furniture than you need. Make the most of your money and resell what you can. (Pssst – you can sell on Kaiyo!) 

Call in an expert

If you’re still at odds, ask a designer to stop by for a house call (see what we did there?) Similar to a therapist, a third-party professional that’s not emotionally involved brings decorative suggestions to the table without taking sides.

Above all, communicate.

You’re all in this together and the common goal is to have a comfortable space to land at the end of the day.

Got a great story about navigating the decorating process with a roommate or partner? We’d love to hear it!

source : blog.kaiyo

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