How to keep wellness at the heart of your home

How to keep wellness 

How to keep wellness at the heart of your home

How to keep wellness at the heart of your home - website astiazh

‘January Blues’ might sound a little glib, but it’s an accurate title for how many of us feel at this time of year – mornings are dark, we’re at our most spendthrift and mulled wine accompanied by mince pies is apparently no longer an appropriate mid-morning snack (fake news but fine). Yes, this is a month in which we should pay special attention to our emotional well-being and one of the best ways to do this is to create a calm home environment. Read on to discover our top tips for creating wellness within your home this winter. 

Declutter your home’s entrance

It’s no secret that decluttering your home can help you to de-stress but life has a funny way of meeting us with mess. If you have little ones charging through your living space or can’t find the time to stay on top of your clutter, be sure to focus your energy on one area in particular – your home’s entrance. Make sure your shoes are neatly stored away, umbrellas are parked in a stand, keys are on a hook and post is picked up off the floor. Whatever your home’s entrance may look like, keeping things as organised as possible will help you to feel instantly calm as soon as you return home.

Bring the outside in

Greenery is often credited as being a natural stress-buster so if you want to put wellness at the heart of your home, why not introduce a few plants? If your fingers aren’t the greenest and you’d like to keep things low maintenance we suggest opting for some ivy or a few ferns.

Create a no phone zone

Carving out a space that’s solely designed for you to unwind in is a great way of maximising calm in your home. This could be a makeshift nook, under the stairs snug or simply an unoccupied corner, one rule though – no phones! Technology infiltrates so much of our day-to-day existence and by prohibiting its presence in a designated area, we can give our minds some respite from excessive scrolling.

Get a good night’s sleep

How to keep wellness at the heart of your home - website astiazh

Getting a good night’s sleep is imperative when trying to improve your emotional well-being. While you can’t stop yourself from lying awake at 2am remembering every embarrassing thing you’ve done between the ages of three and yesterday, you can make sure you’re comfortable while doing it! Don’t be afraid to spend on your bed linen and consider introducing an essential oil diffuser to fill your bedroom with a soothing scent.

Think about continuity

While every room in your home is bound to have its own unique characteristics, keeping a sense of continuity running through your living space is a great way to promote a calming atmosphere. This doesn’t mean introducing a bidet into your study area, think more along the lines of complementary colour schemes, patterns and materials. Seeing your home as one harmonious space can help you to prioritise a sense of balance and avoid feeling disjointed.

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