Organize Your Closet Without Freaking Out

Organize Your Closet

Organize Your Closet Without Freaking Out

Organize Your Closet Without Freaking Out - websait astiazh

The beauty of closets is that they keep things tucked away and out of sight. The bad thing about closets? Out of sight usually means out of mind, and clutter can take over before you know it.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the mere thought of cleaning out your closet. We’ve created a list to make taking on this task more digestible.

Set a schedule

Whether it’s 30 minutes or an hour, determine upfront how much time you want to spend. This will prevent you from getting sidetracked, and help you break up the work into several sessions if need be.

Start with a clean slate

Take every single thing out of your closet. It’s important that you see your storage space with fresh eyes and take stock of all that’s been hiding inside.

Divide and conquer

Grab some bags or boxes and designate where you’ll put trash, where you’ll put donations, and where you’ll collect any items worth selling. This will greatly reduce the number of items that return to your closet. Plus, you’ll free up more room and potentially earn you some cash.

Invest in the right organization

Group similar items into piles so that you can see how much space you’ll need to carve out. Don’t be afraid to invest in thinner hangers or proper containers — while it may seem pricey, it’ll be worth it in the long run. For example, if you have a lot of shoes, purchase a good organizer or reusable boxes so that they’re stackable. Bonus points if they’re clear, as you’re more likely to wear what you can see. For clothing, consider sliding drawers or shelving to neatly stow your wears. Paperwork and office supplies should not be mixed in with clothes and accessories — scan key documents and photos so that you can store them digitally or invest in a filing cabinet that slides comfortably inside your closet.

Be strict about what you keep

Marie Kondo is right: every item should spark joy. If you haven’t worn something in over a year, consider donating it. If something is ripped or worn, put in the work to repair it or simply toss it.

Have a long-term plan

Once your closet has been whipped into shape, avoid backtracking. For every new item you buy, donate an old one. Set aside 15 minutes once a week to straighten up so that you avoid a massive cleaning project in the future.

We hope this list makes decluttering a bit less daunting. If you have tips of your own, share them in the comments.

source : blog.kaiyo

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